Women’s Health

Vaginal Dryness & Urinary Tract Infection

Early Treatment That Can Save Your Life

Simple, Convenient and No Pain

Vaginal dryness is more than just an inconvenience during intercourse, it can lead to serious complications resulting in a urinary tract infection.

Urinary tract infections account for one-third of all Medicare expenditures for health care.

It is easily treated with just a simple office visit and a urinalysis (urine test).

Benefits of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

  • Treats vaginal dryness

  • Reduces or eliminates urinary tract infections

  • Less chance of hospitalization from a serious UTI or fall.

  • Decreased itching, burning and rawness.

  • Less leakage, frequency and urgency.

  • Improved sense of well-being and less stress

  • Increase sensation and pleasure

  • Corrects the damage from diabetes

  • Prevents atrophy of the vaginal and tears which can lead to infection

Common Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection

Brian Fog


Irregular Heartbeat




Most physicians do not treat “just a little vaginal dryness.”

Actually this can be serious. It is a condition called “GSM” or Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause.

It can lead to a serious urinary tract infection

Take Home Note


  • Oral medication or a vaginal suppository will be prescribed which is no more painful than using a tampon.

  • The vaginal lining (mucosa) is highly dependent on estrogen for moisture production and to prevent atrophy and thinning.

    Medications prescribed balance and restore the hormonal composition of the vaginal lining and increase tissue thickness, thus preventing tears and abrasion.

  • In general, one to two weeks for the treatment to take effect.

  • The effects of vaginal creams and suppositories in general do not affect hormones in the rest of the body. The effect is localized.

  • The effects of the low-dose estrogens in the vaginal suppositories are localized and there is very little concern about systemic effects.

  • Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) treatment improves and restores atrophic (thinning) vaginal lining to that of a younger you.

    A healthy lining in the vagina inhibits overgrowth of harmful bacteria which can enter the urinary bladder.

  • Side effects are rare because the minimal-dose hormones in the vaginal suppositories are bio-identical (the same as a young woman produces).

The Science

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) is an Easily-Treated Condition of Aging Experienced by Many Women 

  • Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopuase (GSM), vaginal dryness, is more than a common annoyance. It can lead to frequently to a urinary-tract infection (UTI).

    Urinary-tract infections account for 25% of infections in older people with 7 million office and ER visits in this country. UTI’s often result in hospitalization. In fact, ONE THIRD of Medicare expenditure on treatment is for UTI’s.

    GSM treatment with low-dose hormones which are safe for women both pre and postmenopause. There has been no risk for women with breast cancer. The treatment used by The Fountain Clinic™ has been used since the 1970’s and can prevent UTI by 50% or more.