Scar Removal

Ablation and ProFractional Resurfacing

Remove the scars that you have been trying to hide

with safe, effective and low-downtime laser treatment

Scars are the body’s way of repairing a defect in the skin.

When the skin edges touch, normal healing occurs. But when there is a bigger gap in the wound, scar tissue fills in the gap. Similar to the way a crack in the road is filled with tar or asphalt. The scar can be deep, long or wide.

Restore the appearance of a healthy, youthful complexion and remove the visible signs of damaged skin, including scars, with the safe, effective, and low-downtime laser treatment.

Advanced Laser effectively Treats:

  • Acne scars

  • Raised scars

  • Chicken pox scars

  • “Railroad track” scars from wounds that were poorly sutured (stitched)

  • Wide scars from cuts and lacerations that were never closed

  • Burn scars from second and third-degree burns

  • Skin-graft scars

  • Gouge scars with tissue loss (bite wounds)

Before and After

Treatable Areas

  • Burns

  • Cuts & Scrapes

  • Surgical Procedures

  • Sutures

  • Uneven Healing

  • Pigmented Lesions

  • Tissue Damages

  • Dullness

  • Acne Scars

  • Acne Pores

  • Cystic Acne

  • Facial Redness

Take Home Note


  • Conditions that can cause the scar to get worse:

    1. severe sun exposure

    2. excessive stretching of the skin surrounding the scar

    3. application of chemicals to the skin which can cause skin degradation (certain acid peels.)

  • A scar is permanently damaged skin, full of fibroblasts (scar cells) and excess collagen that normal skin does not have.

    The goal of scar treatment is to make the scar small, flat and appear similar to the surrounding skin so that it is not noticeable

  • Scar removal laser system

    1. Ablation flattens the scar or fills it if it is depressed.

    2. ProFractional breaks up the scar into small pieces so that it resembles the surrounding skin.

    3. Scar laser therapy can also “shrink” the width of scars and stretchmarks to make the area less noticeable.

  • Topical anesthetic cream will be applied before treatment

    Frigid air is used during the procedure to decrease the discomfort and diminish the sensation from the laser.

  • Not all scars can be removed by just one treatment.

    Some time It takes repeated treatments to make the scar less noticeable.

    Thus, staying the course and being patient produce the best results.

  • Treatment cost is determined by the extent and depth of the scar.

    A small lip scar may be as little as $75.00 per treatment.

  • Successful scar treatment depends on:
    1. The correct procedure
    2. Follow instruction during recovery period

    Proper post-treatment instruction is essential for the best result. If instruction is not followed, the scar can become worse.

  • The scar will not return, once it is treated and proper post treatment instruction is followed.

    1. Bandaging the treated area

    2. protecting it from being stretched

    3. keeping it out of sun

    There protocols are essential while healing.

    you will be given a written instruction and verbal instructions from your physician.

    Questions are always welcome and you can call for additional information at any time.

  • A test patch in inner thigh or inner arm is recommended to people of darker skin to see how skin reacts to the laser.

    Hyper-pigmentation or loss of pigment in scar can lead to a poor result

    Once skin is tested, then scar treatment can be preformed.

    Follow-up visit to check on treatment progress is essential

  • The most frequent complication is infection from improper cleansing.

    Depending on the depth of the treatment and the extent, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed.

The Science

Scar Laser Removal is similar to remodeling a house

  • Scar Removal - Laser System is a “process” and It takes time. The end result is definitely worth the “process.”


    Laser-scar therapy starts with making the scar the same “level” as the rest of the surrounding skin.

    1. If the scar is raised, it must be flattened. This is called “ablation” where the raised scar tissue is vaporized and removed painlessly.

    2. If the scar is depressed or deep, it must be filled. The Fountain Clinic™ has a variety of long-lasting fillers. All fillers degrade over time. The scar may need further “filling” in the future.

    This may take more than one visit to make it perfect. Once the scar is at the same level as surrounding skin, it is already less obvious because it does not “catch light” or cast a shadow.

    Pro-Fractional® Resurfacing

    The next phase of laser-scar treatment is to diminish the width of the scar and “break up” dense car tissue so that it resembles normal skin. This treatment is done in a series of sessions 6 - 8 weeks apart.

    Post-Treatment Care

    Downtime is redness in the area of the treatment until the skin heals and remodels.

    Exposed skin must be protected from the sun to avoid pigment changes for up to a year.